
Add Health Data Security Training for UNC Students and Staff

May 25, 2011
Carolina Population Center, Room 405-C, East Tower
If you work at UNC and plan to access the restricted-use Add Health data for the first time this summer, please attend this security training.
 Please note that this training session is for UNC staff and students only.


Due to the sensitive nature of the data collected by Add Health, all users are required to attend a security training session before gaining access to the restricted-use data files.  The 2011 summer Add Health training session is scheduled for Wednesday, May 25, from 3:00 – 4:30 in the CPC conference room 405-C.  If you need access to the Add Health data this summer, please make plans to attend as another training will not be held until fall semester.  In order to ensure that sufficient handouts are available, please notify Joyce Tabor at if you will be attending.

When: May 25, 2011 from 03:00 PM to 04:30 PM
Where: Carolina Population Center, Room 405-C, East Tower
Contact Name: Joyce Tabor
Add Health