
Add Health focused CPC Interdisciplinary Research Workshop

Sep 29, 2016
CPC Room B005 (206 West Franklin Street, Chapel Hill)

Add Health research will be the focus of the September 29 CPC Interdisciplinary Research Workshop and all local researchers interested in Add Health data are encouraged to attend.  Dr. Lauren Gaydosh, CPC Postdoctoral scholar, will present her research titled Family Structure and Pubertal Timing: Testing Genetic Explanations.  Todd Jensen, doctoral candidate and NICHD Pre-doctoral Fellow for the Carolina Consortium on Human Development, will present Typologies of Dyadic Relationship Quality in Stepfamilies and Adolescent Adjustment: A Factor Mixture Model.


When: Sep 29, 2016 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Where: CPC Room B005 (206 West Franklin Street, Chapel Hill)

Add Health