
August 19, 2009

Add Health cited in Senate Appropriations Committee FY 2010 Spending Bill

The U.S. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies released its version of the FY 2010 spending bill on July 30, 2009.  The Senate’s report on the bill, like the House report that preceded it, cites the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health as an example of a “valuable” large-scale data set worthy of continued investment.

 “The Committee urges the NICHD [Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development] to continue its support of trans-NIH behavioral and social research initiatives on disasters and health outcomes to develop more data on the consequences of natural and man-made disasters for the health of children and vulnerable groups. Further, the Committee encourages the NICHD to continue its investment in large-scale data sets, such as the New Immigrant Study and National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, because of their value and accessibility to researchers worldwide. Finally, the Committee urges the Institute to continue research on (1) how the structure and characteristics of the work environment affect child and family health and well-being and (2) how health and well-being in the early years (including before birth) affect health and well-being later in life.” (Senate Report 111-066 (2009).)

The full Senate is expected to consider the legislation in September.

For a summary of the bill, click here

For the full Senate report, click here