
November 19, 2018

Add Health data used in hundreds of dissertations and theses

Posted November 20, 2018

In 2018 alone, 27 Add Health based dissertations have been published from 23 different Universities. This brings the total number of dissertations and theses utilizing Add Health data to 800. These publications span a range of fields including sociology, biostatistics, and criminal justice. The number of publications by up-and-coming researchers is a testament to the broad topics covered by the Add Health survey and the rich contextual data available. One such dissertation by Rebecca Leinberger employed data across four waves of Add Health to develop and test an index of toxic stress response and how it relates to intergenerational transmission of violence. This index represents “a cluster of maladaptive psychological symptoms” and was created using measures related to health, physical abuse, neighborhood and community context, and family hardship.

We continue to encourage students and researchers of all disciplines to explore the possibilities in this rich dataset. This is made possible by use of our user guides and the Add Health Codebook Explorer, which allows users to browse In-School and In-Home survey questions or search by a specific topic or keywords.

For more information on the data available for each Wave of Add Health and how to use it, see this User Guide. Additionally, the Add Health restricted-use codebooks list and detail dataset availability.



Please see our Contracts page for information about access to restricted-use Add Health data. Public-use data are also available.

Referenced dissertation
Leinberger R. The childhood origins of intimate partner violence: The role of toxic stress in perpetuating the intergenerational transmission of violence [Dissertation]: University of Michigan; 2018

Additional dissertations
Testa A. Incarceration and nutritional hardship: Considering the link to food insecurity and healthful food access [Dissertation]. College Park, MD: University of Maryland; 2018.

Li T. Statistical tools for network data: Prediction and resampling [Dissertation]: University of Michigan; 2018.

Eyre RW. Complex statistical modeling of socio-economic variables in public health [Dissertation]: University of Warwick; 2018.

Mansion A. Differences in offending among bisexual and heterosexual youth: The influence of maternal support and running away from home [Dissertation]: Arizona State University; 2018.