Long-term Impacts of Civic Engagement during Emerging Adulthood: A Nationally-representative Study


Thompson, Martie P.; Hudson-Flege, Matthew; & Hancock, Kayla (2024). Long-term Impacts of Civic Engagement during Emerging Adulthood: A Nationally-representative Study. American Journal of Health Promotion.


Purpose: We examined if civic engagement during emerging adulthood positively impacted a broad array of outcomes in middle adulthood, and if associations varied based on race, gender, age, and urban-rural status.
Design: Prospective design used to determine if civic engagement during emerging adulthood (M age = 21.81) predicted outcomes 15 years later.
Setting: Restricted data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health.
Subjects: Wave 1 participants who completed surveys 7 years (77% follow-up rate), 14 years (80% follow-up rate), and 22 years later (follow-up rate 72%) and who had valid sampling weight to ensure national representativeness (n = 9349).
Measures: Predictor - civic engagement; Outcomes-mental health, substance use, criminal behaviors, and healthy behavior.
Analysis: Linear regression using MPLUS 7.2.
Results: Civic engagement predicted lower levels of depressive symptoms (b = −1.05, SE = .28), criminal behaviors (b = −.47, SE = .12), and substance use (b = −.66, SE = .13), and higher levels of healthy behaviors (b = 1.26, SE = .19), after controlling for demographics, family, peer, neighborhood, and school-related background variables. Moderation analyses revealed that civic engagement benefited females and white participants more.
Conclusion: Civic engagement during emerging adulthood has a positive impact on a broad array of outcomes in middle adulthood. Implications and future research recommendations will be discussed.




Civic engagement

Reference Type

Journal Article

Journal Title

American Journal of Health Promotion


Thompson, Martie P.
Hudson-Flege, Matthew
Hancock, Kayla

Year Published



January 17, 2024



Reference ID