Vaughn, Michael G.; Beaver, Kevin M.; & DeLisi, Matt (2009). A general biosocial paradigm of antisocial behavior: A preliminary test in a sample of adolescents. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice. vol. 7 (4) pp. 279-298Abstract
Using the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health), the current study delineates and tests a general biosocial liability theoretical model of antisocial behavior. Along with measures of genetic polymorphisms, neurocognitive skills, self-control, and environmental pathogens, a recursive path-modeling strategy was used to empirically examine the relations between these biosocial measures and forms of antisocial behavior in a subsample of 1,136 adolescent males. Results supported the main predictions of the biosocial liability model, finding significant path coefficients across key constructs. Findings are discussed in light of current theories of antisocial behavior, future studies, and implications for prevention and intervention.URL Type
Journal ArticleJournal Title
Youth Violence and Juvenile JusticeAuthor(s)
Vaughn, Michael G.Beaver, Kevin M.
DeLisi, Matt