Long-term impact of adverse childhood experiences and perceived social support on depression trajectories


Yu, J. J. & Zhang, Z. (2024). Long-term impact of adverse childhood experiences and perceived social support on depression trajectories. J Affect Disord. vol. 369 pp. 255-264


BACKGROUND: While the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on depression is well-documented, how ACEs, physical violence victimization, social support, and school belongingness altogether shape depression from adolescence to young adulthood remains unclear. This study aims to clarify these relations by tracing the trajectory of depression across this critical developmental period. METHODS: We utilized a 14-year, four-wave dataset from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health), including 5734 participants who were 7th to 12th graders at baseline (51.4 % females). Latent growth curve modeling (LGCM) was used to analyze the trajectory of depression from adolescence to young adulthood, assessing the impact of ACEs, physical violence victimization, social support, and school belongingness on this progression. RESULTS: Results from the LGCM indicated that childhood maltreatment and physical violence victimization were positively associated with an increase in depression from adolescence to young adulthood. Conversely, social support and school belongingness showed a negative association with depression, indicating their protective effects over time. Gender was found to moderate these longitudinal associations, with females showing increased vulnerability to the negative relations between early stressful environments (i.e., childhood maltreatment and physical violence victimization) and depression. Conversely, they seemed to benefit more from school belongingness and social support in mitigating depression. LIMITATIONS: The study variables were all self-reported and exhibited some issues with reliability. CONCLUSION: Practitioners should implement gender-specific programs for the prevention and intervention of depression from adolescence through young adulthood.




Adverse childhood experiences

Reference Type

Journal Article

Journal Title

J Affect Disord


Yu, J. J.
Zhang, Z.

Year Published


Volume Number






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