Cota-Robles, S.; Neiss, M.; & Rowe, D. C. (2002). The Role of Puberty in Violent and Nonviolent Delinquency Among Anglo American, Mexican American, and African American Boys. Journal of Adolescent Research. vol. 17 (4) pp. 364-376Abstract
Past research suggests that early pubertal maturation predicts delinquency for Anglo American boys. Little research has been done on the effects of pubertal maturation on problem behavior for boys of other ethnic groups. This study investigated the relation-ship between relative pubertal status and delinquency for Anglo American, African American, and Mexican American adolescent boys. Early-maturing boys across all three ethnic groups reported higher levels of both violent and nonviolent delinquent behavior. These results are consistent with a theory of differential peer access and not consistent with a theory of asynchronicity between testosterone-driven aggression and social-cognitive maturity.URL
pubertyReference Type
Journal ArticleJournal Title
Journal of Adolescent ResearchAuthor(s)
Cota-Robles, S.Neiss, M.
Rowe, D. C.