Hope, Trina L.; Wilder, Esther I.; & Watt, Toni Terling (2003). The relationships among adolescent pregnancy, pregnancy resolution, and juvenile delinquency. Sociological Quarterly. vol. 44 (4) pp. 555-576Abstract
We apply criminological theories of social control to explore the relationships among adolescent pregnancy, pregnancy resolution, and juvenile delinquency. While most ever-pregnant girls have especially high rates of delinquent behavior, adolescent mothers exhibit delinquency levels no higher than those of their never-pregnant peers. Unlike adolescent females who end their pregnancies through abortion, those who keep their babies experience a dramatic reduction in both smoking and marijuana use. Our results suggest that among adolescent girls, the birth of a child has a strong trajectory-modifying effect. It serves as a mechanisms of social control and substantially reduces the likelihood of delinquent behavior.URL
Crime & delinquency Reproductive HealthReference Type
Journal ArticleJournal Title
Sociological QuarterlyAuthor(s)
Hope, Trina L.Wilder, Esther I.
Watt, Toni Terling