Proctor, Laura J & Dubowitz, Howard (2014). Child Neglect: Challenges and Controversies. In Korbin, Jill E. & Krugman, Richard D. (Eds.), Handbook of Child Maltreatment (pp. 27-61). Springer Netherlands.Abstract
Neglect is the most common form of child maltreatment, with many short- and long-term physical, psychological and social consequences. Child neglect poses challenges to researchers, policymakers and clinicians, due partly to the inherent difficulties in defining neglect. One challenge concerns how to address a heterogeneous, multiply-determined phenomenon that often involves underlying systemic problems such as poverty. Similar challenges pertain to preventing neglect. A shift in our policy and practice paradigm is needed; alternative response systems are a promising development. Other strategies are needed to tackle systemic problems that directly and indirectly harm children. Thus, we need a combination of approaches to help ensure nurturing environments, to strengthen families and support parents, and thereby improve children’s health, development and safety, and prevent neglect.URL Type
Book ChapterBook Title
Handbook of Child MaltreatmentSeries Title
Child MaltreatmentAuthor(s)
Proctor, Laura JDubowitz, Howard