Farrell, Evelyn I. (2013). Sleep disturbance as an independent predictor of suicidality in American Indian/Alaskan Native adolescents.
Suicide is a public health concern worldwide, and researchers have increasingly been interested in understanding the role that sleep disturbances play in suicidality. The interpersonal psychological theory states that for suicide to occur, both desire and capability must be present. Capability is an acquired ability that is influenced by judgment and impulsivity, which are negatively affected by sleep loss. Studies that have examined the role that sleep loss plays in the development of high-risk behaviors, such as suicide, have shown mixed results. Few studies have examined these variables among American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) individuals who have the highest rate of suicide in the United States. This study examined the relationship between insomnia, depression, and suicidal behavior in 232 AI/AN adolescents who participated in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Logistic regression was used to examine the study variables based on the students' responses during 1st-person interviews in Wave I of the study. The analyses indicated that insomnia significantly predicted depression but did not significantly predict suicidal ideation or suicide attempts in the respondents. Follow-up analyses indicated that suicidal ideation was significantly related to the frequent use of alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine in the respondents. These results are expected to contribute to the knowledge base on the correlates of suicidal behavior and thus help in the development of (a) suicide prevention programs and (b) protocols for the treatment of suicidality in AI/AN adolescents.
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Book Title
Farrell, Evelyn I.
Series Author(s)
Valdez, Carl
Year Published
Walden University
Reference ID