Roberts, T. A.; Auinger, P.; & Klein, J. D. (2006). Predictors of partner abuse in a nationally representative sample of adolescents involved in heterosexual dating relationships. Violence and Victims. vol. 21 (1) pp. 81-89Abstract
This article's goals are to identify the characteristics of abusive heterosexual dating relationships among adolescents. Using the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health dataset, an analysis of 4,441 heterosexual relationships was completed using logistic regression models (SAS PROC GENMOD). The associations between being verbally and physically abused were examined with respect to the following relationship characteristics: involvement in sexual intercourse or pregnancy with the relationship partner, description of the relationship as a "special romantic relationship," duration of the relationship, age at relationship initiation, and age difference between partners. The findings indicate that involvement in a sexual or "special romantic" relationship was associated with greater likelihood of being abused in both genders. Increased length of time in the relationship was associated with verbal abuse in both genders. Involvement in a pregnancy was associated with being verbally and physically abused among males. It is thus concluded that relationship characteristics play an important role in the development of abusive relationships among adolescents.URL
Partner Violence Partner ViolenceReference Type
Journal ArticleJournal Title
Violence and VictimsAuthor(s)
Roberts, T. A.Auinger, P.
Klein, J. D.