Bader, Christopher D. & Desmond, Scott A. (2006). Do as I say and as I do: The effects of consistent parental beliefs and behaviors upon religious transmission. Sociology of Religion. vol. 67 (3) pp. 313-329Abstract
Previous research suggests that when mothers and fathers belong to the same religious denomination and/or they are equally religious, they are better able to transmit their religious behaviors and attitudes to their children. Instead of focusing on religious consistency between parents, our research explores the effect of consistency between a parent's attitudes and behaviors. When parents send a consistent message to children regarding religion, by teaching them that religion is important and by attending church frequently, religious transmission should be more likely to occur. When parents send mixed messages to their children, i.e. when their religious behaviors are incongruent with their attitudes about religion, the extent of religious transmission should be diminished. Our results indicate that adolescents are most religious when their parents attend church and believe religion is important. When parents are inconsistent, importance of religion has more of an effect on religious transmission than church attendanceURL
ReligionReference Type
Journal ArticleJournal Title
Sociology of ReligionAuthor(s)
Bader, Christopher D.Desmond, Scott A.