Van Gundy, Alana (2010). Gender differences, social bonds, and delinquent behavior.
2010 Add Health Users Conference. Bethesda, MD.
The focus of this study is to examine the relationship between parental attachment and delinquent behavior, with a particular focus on gender and criminality. The three hypotheses being tested are 1) parental attachment at Wave I is related to involvement in delinquency at Wave II, 2) individuals that report attachment to their parents are less likely to engage in serious delinquency than those who are less attached, and 3) attachment to parents is a more powerful predictor for female delinquency than male delinquency. Wave I and Wave II data will be utilized for this study. Key independent variables include scales for attachment to father, mother, delinquent peers, school, commitment, and involvement. Control variables will include traditional demographic variables such as age, race, household size, female/male headed household, education level of parents and income. The dependent variables are measured independently and also by composite scales of non-serious delinquency, serious delinquency, and total delinquency. The findings of the regression analyses evidence the importance of parental attachment when examining delinquent behavior and calls to light some important gender differences in the relationship between social bonds and delinquent behavior.
URL Type
Conference proceeding
Book Title
2010 Add Health Users Conference
Van Gundy, Alana
Year Published
City of Publication
Bethesda, MD
Reference ID