Latinsky, Andrew & Ueno, Koji (2020). Leveling Up? Video Game Play in Adolescence and the Transition into Adulthood. The Sociological Quarterly. pp. 1-24Abstract
Most research on video games has examined short-term psychological consequences, leaving the long-term effect on social outcomes unclear. To address this limitation, this study utilized the life course perspective and tested whether video game play during adolescence lowers the chance of successful transition into adulthood. Using the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (N = 15,409), logistic regression models tested the association between video game play in adolescence and the chance of achieving six markers of adulthood in their 20's and 30's. Results showed that the association depends on the intensity of game play, gender, and the outcome under examination.URL
Video GamingReference Type
Journal ArticleJournal Title
The Sociological QuarterlyAuthor(s)
Latinsky, AndrewUeno, Koji