Battaglini, Marco; Díaz, Carlos; & Patacchini, Eleonora (2017). Self-control and peer groups: An empirical analysis. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. vol. 134 pp. 240-254Abstract
We exploit the exogenous variation in peer groups generated by high school to college transitions to study the theoretical predictions of Battaglini et al.’s (2005) model of self-control in peer groups. We find evidence consistent with the two key predictions of this theory regarding the relationship between an agent's expected level of self-control and the size and composition of his or her social circles: (i) students embedded in social circles have more self-control than those who are alone and their self-control is increasing in the size of their social group; (ii) students’ self-control is, however, a non-monotonic hump-shaped function of the average self-control of their friends.URL
Peer effects Self-controlReference Type
Journal ArticleJournal Title
Journal of Economic Behavior & OrganizationAuthor(s)
Battaglini, MarcoDíaz, Carlos
Patacchini, Eleonora