How school, family, and community protective factors can help youth who have experienced maltreatment


Wilkinson, Andra & Lantos, Hannah (2018). How school, family, and community protective factors can help youth who have experienced maltreatment. Bethesda, MD: Child Trends.


In 2016, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) awarded Child Trends a grant to study the relationship between childhood maltreatment and adolescent and young adult delinquent or criminal behaviors. OJJDP’s goal to provide more trauma-informed services aligns well with Child Trends’ approach to research, which includes four key components. First, we study the whole child across the life course and across domains of well-being. Second, we study children in their real-life settings and contexts. Third, we strive to rigorously test knowledge and then transfer it to people who will use that knowledge to improve children’s lives. Finally, we recognize that children do well not only when interventions address their challenges and deficits, but also when they promote strengths and resilience. Therefore, we study not only the individual, family, and broader contextual factors that place children at risk, but also those that help them thrive. Previous briefs, publications, and reports from Child Trends related to trauma and adolescent development can be found at This resource was prepared by the authors using Federal funds provided by the U.S. Department of Justice under project #2016-MU MU 0064. Opinions or points of view expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice. If you have any questions, please contact the principal investigator, Dr. Andra Wilkinson, at, or the project director, Dr. Hannah Lantos, at



child maltreatment child welfare

Reference Type


Book Title

Child Trends


Wilkinson, Andra
Lantos, Hannah

Year Published



Child Trends

City of Publication

Bethesda, MD

Reference ID


