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The Add Health bibliography includes more than 8,000 journal articles, presentations, manuscripts, books, book chapters and dissertations using Add Health data sets. To obtain a copy of any item, please check the citation to see if a URL link to the article is available, or contact the author.

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Displaying 10 of 9901 matching citations.

García-Hermoso, Antonio; Ezzatvar, Yasmin; & López-Gil, José Francisco (2023). Association Between Daily Physical Education Attendance and Meeting 24-Hour Movement Guidelines in Adolescence and Adulthood. Journal of Adolescent Health.

Ghirardi, Gaia & Bernadi, Fabrizio (2023). Does family socioeconomic background moderate the genetic association on education and income? Looking at outcomes with different level of selectivity. 12th Alpine Population (AlpPop) Conference 2023. La Thuile, Italy.

Gilbreath, Shelby (2023). Adolescent Health and Maladaptive Coping: Assessing the Relationship Between Poor Physical Health and Underage Drinking.

Gonzalez, Christopher J.; Copeland, Molly; Shapiro, Martin F.; & Moody, James (2023). Associations of peer generational status on adolescent weight across Hispanic immigrant generations: A social network analysis. Social Science & Medicine. vol. 323

Gradstein, Mark & Ventura, Luigi (2023). Human capital, self-esteem, and income inequality. Journal of Economic Growth.

Graham, C. & Fenelon, A. (2023). Health, Suicidal Thoughts, and the Life Course: How Worsening Health Emerges as a Determinant of Suicide Ideation in Early Adulthood. J Health Soc Behav.

Graham, Carlyn E. & Frisco, Michelle L. (2023). The Mental “Weight” of Discrimination: The Relationship between Perceived Interpersonal Weight Discrimination and Suicidality in the United States. Journal of Health and Social Behavior.

Graham, Carlyn & Ciciurkaite, Gabriele (2023). Subjective Social Status as a Predictor of Physical and Mental Health among Early Midlife Adults in the United States: Appraising the Role of Gender. Society and Mental Health.

Green, Colin P.; Wilson, Luke B.; & Zhang, Anwen (2023). Beauty, underage drinking, and adolescent risky behaviours. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. vol. 215 pp. 153-166

Grigoryeva, Maria S. (2023). A Sociological Model of Agency and Parent-Child Negotiations of Sex. Socius. vol. 9