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The Add Health bibliography includes more than 8,000 journal articles, presentations, manuscripts, books, book chapters and dissertations using Add Health data sets. To obtain a copy of any item, please check the citation to see if a URL link to the article is available, or contact the author.

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Displaying 10 of 9901 matching citations.

Rocheleau, Gregory C; Olson, Jordan T; & Vito, Anthony G (2023). Victimization, negative emotions, and substance use: Variability in general strain theory processes by marriage and relationship quality. Criminology & Criminal Justice.

Roettger, M. E.; Houle, B.; & Boardman, J. D. (2023). Parental imprisonment, delinquent behavior, and BMI gain in a U.S. nationally representative cohort study of adolescents and adults ages 12-32. SSM - Population Health. vol. 22

Ruberu, Thanthirige Lakshika M.; Rajapaksha, Rajapaksha Mudalige Dhanushka S.; Heitzeg, Mary M.; Klaus, Ryan; Boden, Joseph M.; Biswas, Swati; & Choudhary, Pankaj (2023). Validation of a Bayesian learning model to predict the risk for cannabis use disorder. Addictive Behaviors. vol. 146

Ruppe, Nicole M.; Clawson, Ashley H.; Nwankwo, Cara N.; & Blair, Alexandra L. (2023). Longitudinal Associations Between Depression and Religiosity/Spirituality Among Individuals with Asthma in the United States. Journal of Religion and Health.

Sacco, S. J.; Chen, K.; Wang, F.; & Aseltine, R. (2023). Target-based fusion using social determinants of health to enhance suicide prediction with electronic health records. PLoS ONE. vol. 18 (4) , PMCID: PMC10132649

Saelee, Ryan; Haardörfer, Regine; Johnson, Dayna A; Gazmararian, Julie A; & Suglia, Shakira F (2023). Racial/Ethnic and Sex/Gender Differences in Sleep Duration Trajectories From Adolescence to Adulthood in a US National Sample. American Journal of Epidemiology.

Saelee, Ryan; Haardörfer, Regine; Johnson, Dayna A.; Gazmararian, Julie A.; & Suglia, Shakira F. (2023). Neighborhood and Household Environment as Contributors to Racial Disparities in Sleep Duration among U.S. Adolescents. Sleep Epidemiology. vol. 3 , PMCID: PMC10769009

Samuels, Jody; Davis, Amanda L.; & McQuillin, Samuel D. (2023). Assessing Longitudinal Impacts of Mentor Role on Youth Outcomes. Youth & Society.

Sasser, Jeri; Waddell, Jack T; & Doane, Leah D (2023). If you (don’t) snooze, do you use? Prospective links between adolescent sleep patterns and substance use and depression. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. pp. 1-18

Saunders, Randi (2023). Early Family Bereavement and Intimate Partner Violence Victimization and Perpetration From Adolescence to the Transition to Adulthood. 2023 Population Association of America Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA.