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The Add Health bibliography includes more than 8,000 journal articles, presentations, manuscripts, books, book chapters and dissertations using Add Health data sets. To obtain a copy of any item, please check the citation to see if a URL link to the article is available, or contact the author.

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Displaying 10 of 9901 matching citations.

Saunders, Randi (2023). Intimate Violence and Health from Young Adulthood to Midlife: A Biosocial Approach. 2023 American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.

Saunders, Randi (2023). Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence and Allostatic Load From Young Adulthood to Early Midlife. 2023 Population Association of America Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA.

Savage, J. & Rossler, M. (2023). Binge drinking and violence in the transition to adulthood. Aggressive Behavior.

Schreck, Christopher J.; Krajewski, Andrew; & Berg, Mark T. (2023). Extending a Social Control Framework to Explain the Link between Romantic Relationships and Violent Victimization by Non-Intimate Perpetrators: A Study of Actor and Partner Effects. Justice Quarterly. pp. 1-29

Schwartz, Ashlyn; Meschke, Laurie L.; Tree, Jennifer Jabson; Brown, Kathleen; & Coatsworth, J. Douglas (2023). Beating trauma: Physical activity to promote resilience against substance use. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. vol. 248

Schwartz, Gabriel L.; Chiang, Amy Y.; Wang, Guangyi; Kim, Min Hee; White, Justin S.; & Hamad, Rita (2023). Testing mediating pathways between school segregation and health: Evidence on peer prejudice and health behaviors. Social Science and Medicine.

Seffrin, Patrick (2023). Sexual Orientation and Cognitive Ability: An Exploratory Study. North Central Sociological Association 2023 Annual Meeting. Grand Rapids, MI.

Seffrin, Patrick & Teeple, Joseph (2023). Mate Choice, Exposure to Violence, Victimization, and Substance Use: A Comparison of Heterosexual and Sexual Minority Experiences. Sexuality and Culture.

Shao, Iris Yuefan (2023). Using a Systems Science Approach to Evaluate Health Behavior Patterns for Designing Effective Interventions for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention.

Shao, Iris Yuefan; Suglia, Shakira F.; An, Weihua; Mendez, David; Vaccarino, Viola; & Alonso, Alvaro (2023). Characterization of trajectories of physical activity and cigarette smoking from early adolescence to adulthood. BMC Public Health. vol. 23 , PMCID: PMC10714571