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The Add Health bibliography includes more than 8,000 journal articles, presentations, manuscripts, books, book chapters and dissertations using Add Health data sets. To obtain a copy of any item, please check the citation to see if a URL link to the article is available, or contact the author.

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Displaying 10 of 9901 matching citations.

Nikolaus, C. J.; Zamora-Kapoor, A.; Hebert, L. E.; & Sinclair, K. (2022). Association of food security with cardiometabolic health during young adulthood: cross-sectional comparison of American Indian adults with other racial/ethnic groups. BMJ Open. vol. 12 (6) , PMCID: PMC9185394

Noppert, Grace A.; Martin, Chantel L.; Zivich, Paul N.; Aiello, Allison E.; Harris, Kathleen Mullan; & O'Rand, Angela (2022). Adolescent neighborhood disadvantage and memory performance in young adulthood. Health & Place. vol. 75

O'Brien, Jennifer E.; Jensen, Todd; Mitchell, Kimberly; & White, Kevin (2022). Commercial Sexual Exploitation Outcomes in a Community Sample of Youth. Journal of Adolescent Health.

Oi, K. (2022). Widening, Narrowing, and Persistence of Socioeconomic Gaps between Sexual Minorities and Heterosexuals across Adulthood. Journal of Homosexuality.

Ouellet, Marie; Daigle, Leah; & Gallupe, Owen (2022). Deviant peers: Does friendship stability condition the peer-delinquency link?. European Journal of Criminology.

Oyefuga, O.E. (2022). Social Capital and the Academic Achievement of American students. 2022 Add Health Users Conference. Chapel Hill, NC.

Park, Gum-Ryeong & Kim, Jinho (2022). Adolescent sleep duration and cardiometabolic risk in adulthood: Evidence from sibling comparison designs with biomarker data. Health Psychology.

Parker, Brenda (2022). A Longitudinal Examination of the Sociality of Cardiovascular Disease and its Most Common Risk Factor, Hypertension.

Parnes, McKenna F. & Schwartz, Sarah E. O. (2022). Adverse childhood experiences: Examining latent classes and associations with physical, psychological, and risk-related outcomes in adulthood. Child Abuse & Neglect. vol. 127 , PMCID: PMC8983583

Paz, Jenna-Mae (2022). Analyzing the Effects of Childhood Trauma Exposure and Juvenile Deliquency.