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The Add Health bibliography includes more than 8,000 journal articles, presentations, manuscripts, books, book chapters and dissertations using Add Health data sets. To obtain a copy of any item, please check the citation to see if a URL link to the article is available, or contact the author.

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Displaying 10 of 9901 matching citations.

Rauf, Tamkinat (2022). Identifying the Elusive Causal Income Effect on Mental Well-being. Integrating Genetics and the Social Sciences 2022. Boulder, CO.

Rauf, Tamkinat & Freese, Jeremy (2022). Selection into Adversity by Polygenic Predictors of Depression. Integrating Genetics and the Social Sciences 2022 Conference. Boulder, CO.

Rauf, Tamkinat & Freese, Jeremy (2022). Selection into Adversity by Polygenic Predictors of Depression. American Sociological Association 2022 Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, CA.

Rima, D.; Mukhamadieva, G.; Alimkulov, E.; Duzbayeva, S.; & Beaver, K. M. (2022). An analysis of protective and risk factors associated with no formal contact with the criminal justice system in a nationally representative sample of males and females. Journal of Crime and Justice.

Rima, Dzhansarayeva; Akbolatova, Maral; Orynbasar, Tlepbergenov; Arailym, Jangabulova; & Beaver, Kevin M. (2022). Long-Term Health and Economic Consequences Associated with Being Processed Through the Criminal Justice System for Males. American Journal of Criminal Justice.

Rima, Dzhansarayeva; Turgumbayev, Marlen; Alimkulov, Yerbol; Useinova, Karlygash; & Beaver, Kevin M. (2022). Examining the potential association between perceived life expectations and violent behaviors, criminal justice processing, and victimization: A longitudinal analysis. Journal of Criminal Justice. vol. 82

Robey, Jason (2022). Toward Causal Peer Effects. Population Association of America 2022 Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA.

Robey, Jason; Massoglia, Michael; & Warner, Avery (2022). Military Service, Violence, and Race. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA.

Rodríguez-Planas, Nuria; Sanz-de-Galdeano, Anna; & Terskaya, Anastasia (2022). Gender norms in high school: Impacts on risky behaviors from adolescence to adulthood. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. vol. 196 pp. 429-456

Rosenthal, Aaron & Farhart, Christina (2022). Timing Matters: How Adolescent Police Contact Shapes Political Lives. Political Behavior.