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The Add Health bibliography includes more than 8,000 journal articles, presentations, manuscripts, books, book chapters and dissertations using Add Health data sets. To obtain a copy of any item, please check the citation to see if a URL link to the article is available, or contact the author.

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Displaying 10 of 9923 matching citations.

Liechty, Janet M. (2010). Body image distortion and onset of weight loss behaviors among non-overweight girls. 2010 Add Health Users Conference. Bethesda, MD.

Liechty, Janet M. (2010). Body image distortion and three types of weight loss behaviors among nonoverweight girls in the United States. Journal of Adolescent Health. vol. 47 (2) pp. 176-182

Lin, X. (2010). Identifying peer effects in student academic achievement by spatial autoregressive models with group unobservables. Journal of Labor Economics. vol. 28 (4) pp. 825-860

Lindsay, Constance A. (2010). Using contexts and socioeconomic status to explain racial and gender differences in adolescent attachment to school. 2010 Add Health Users Conference. Bethesda, MD.

Liu, Jihong; Kim, Jinseok; Colabianchi, Natalie; Ortaglia, Andrew; & Pate, Russell R. (2010). Co-varying patterns of physical activity and sedentary behaviors and their long-term maintenance among adolescents. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. vol. 7 (4) pp. 465-474

Loosier, P. S. & Dittus, P. J. (2010). Group differences in risk across three domains using an expanded measure of sexual orientation. The journal of primary prevention. vol. 31 (5-6) pp. 261-72

Lucas, Amy & Hardie, Jessica Halliday (2010). Gender differences in response to economic hardship among young couples. 2010 Add Health Users Conference. Bethesda, MD.

Madkour, Aubrey S.; Farhat, Tilda; Halpern, Carolyn T.; Godeau, Emmanuelle; & Gabhainn, Saoirse (2010). Early adolescent sexual initiation as a problem behavior: A comparative study of five nations. Journal of Adolescent Health. vol. 47 (4) pp. 389-398 , PMCID: PMC2945604

Madkour, Aubrey S.; Farhat, Tilda; Halpern, Carolyn T.; Godeau, Emmanuelle; & Gabhainn, Saoirse N. (2010). Early adolescent sexual initiation and physical/psychological symptoms: A comparative analysis of five nations. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. vol. 39 (10) pp. 1211-1225 , PMCID: PMC2917505

Maldonado-Molina, Mildred M. & Lanza, Stephanie T. (2010). A framework to examine gateway relations in drug use: An application of latent transition analysis. Journal of Drug Issues. vol. 40 (4) pp. 901-924 , PMCID: PMC3400537