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The Add Health bibliography includes more than 8,000 journal articles, presentations, manuscripts, books, book chapters and dissertations using Add Health data sets. To obtain a copy of any item, please check the citation to see if a URL link to the article is available, or contact the author.

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Displaying 10 of 9901 matching citations.

Falbo, T. & Yarnell, L. M. (2009). Errors in self-knowledge and the transition to adulthood. Population Association of America Annual Meeting. Detroit, MI: Population Association of America Annual Meeting.

Falbo, T. & Yarnell, L. M. (2009). Errors in self-knowledge during adolescence: A longitudinal study. American Psychological Association Annual Meeting. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: American Psychological Association.

Falci, C. & McNeely, C. (2009). Too many friends: Social integration, network cohesion and adolescent depressive symptoms. Social Forces. vol. 87 (4) pp. 2031-2061

Falci, C. & Noel, H. (2009). Family structure, adolescent health and propensity score matching. American Sociological Association. San Francisco, CA: American Sociological Association.

Fang, X. & Tarui, N. (2009). Family Background, Child Maltreatment, and the High School Dropout. 7th World Congress on Health Economics. Beijing, China: International Health Economics Association.

Feliciano, C. (2009). Early and Later Postsecondary Educational Trajectories of Young Adults from Low-income Families. Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual meeting. Vancouver, Canada: Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual meeting.

Fettes, Danielle L. (2009). Social Location, Social Support, and Adolescent Mental Health Service Use: An Empirical Application of the Children's Network Episode Model.

Flashman, J. (2009). Race and friendship choice: A test of contact and group threat theories. Population Association of America Annual Meeting. Detroit, MI: Population Association of America Annual Meeting.

Flashman, Jennifer (2009). You've Got a Friend: Adolescent Friendship Choices, Dynamics, and Implications for Future Stratification.

Fletcher, J. M. & Wolfe, B. L. (2009). Education and labor market consequences of teenage childbearing: Evidence using the timing of pregnancy outcomes and community fixed effects. Journal of Human Resources. vol. 44 (2) pp. 303-325