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The Add Health bibliography includes more than 8,000 journal articles, presentations, manuscripts, books, book chapters and dissertations using Add Health data sets. To obtain a copy of any item, please check the citation to see if a URL link to the article is available, or contact the author.

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Displaying 10 of 9901 matching citations.

Fletcher, Jason M. (2009). Beauty vs. brains: Early labor market outcomes of high school graduates. Economics Letters. vol. 105 (3) pp. 321-325

Fletcher, Jason M. (2009). Childhood mistreatment and adolescent and young adult depression. Social Science and Medicine. vol. 68 (5) pp. 799-806

Fletcher, Jason M.; Deb, Partha; & Sindelar, Jody L. (2009). Tobacco use, taxation, and self control in adolescence. National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Series. vol. No. 15130

Fletcher, Jason M. & Lehrer, Steven F. (2009). The effects of adolescent health on educational outcomes: Causal evidence using genetic lotteries between siblings. Forum for Health Economics and Policy. vol. 12 (2)

Fletcher, Jason M. & Lehrer, Steven F. (2009). Using genetic lotteries within families to examine the causal impact of poor health on academic achievement. National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Series. vol. No. 15148

Fletcher, Jason M. & Wolfe, Barbara L. (2009). Long-term consequences of childhood ADHD on criminal activities. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics. vol. 12 (3) pp. 119-138 , PMCID: PMC3398051

Fomby, Paula; Mollborn, Stefanie; & Sennott, Christie A. (2009). Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Effects of Family Structure Instability on Adolescents' Behavior. National Center for Marriage Research Conference on Family Instability. National Center for Marriage Research.

Ford, J.; Browning, C. R.; & Cooksey, E. (2009). Concurrent Sexual Partnering among Young Adults in the U.S.: An Analysis of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. 2009 National HIV Prevention Conference. Atlanta, GA: United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Ford, J.; Browning, C. R.; & Cooksey, E. (2009). Longitudinal Effects of Neighborhood Norms during Adolescence on Multiple Sex Partners during Young Adulthood. American Public Health Association. Philadelphia, PA: American Public Health Association.

Ford, Jodi L. (2009). The contribution of neighborhood social disorganization to sexually transmitted infection using biomarker measures. Initiative in Population Research. Columbus, OH.