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The Add Health bibliography includes more than 8,000 journal articles, presentations, manuscripts, books, book chapters and dissertations using Add Health data sets. To obtain a copy of any item, please check the citation to see if a URL link to the article is available, or contact the author.

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Displaying 10 of 9901 matching citations.

Kreager, D. A. & Haynie, D. L. (2009). Romantic Partner Asymmetries and Adolescent Delinquency. 2009 American Society of Criminology Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA: American Society of Criminology.

Kuhl, D.; Swisher, R. R.; & Chavez, J. (2009). Change in neighborhood socioeconomic status and desistence from violence during the transition to adulthood. American Society of Criminology. Philadelphia, PA: American Society of Criminology.

Kusunoki, Yasamin (2009). Contraceptive Method Choice Among Youth in the United States: The Importance of Relationship Context. Population Studies Center Speaker Series. Ann Arbor, MI: Population Studies Center.

Lamb, K. A. (2009). Neighborhood contexts and mentoring during adolescence: Rural and urban differences. American Sociological Association Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA: American Sociological Association.

Lee, H.; Harris, K. M.; & Gordon-Larsen, P. (2009). Life course perspectives on the links between poverty and obesity during the transition to young adulthood. Population Research and Policy Review. vol. 28 (4) pp. 505-532 , PMCID: PMC2743510

Lee, Hedwig (2009). Race, Ethnicity and the Social Context of Disadvantage and Its Links to Obesity and Physical Activity in Adolescence and the Transition to Adulthood.

Lee, J. (2009). Social Network Influences on Adolescent Obesity. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health and Society Scholars Small Grant Program Conference for Awardees. Ann Arbor, MI: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Leiber, Michael J.; Mack, Kristin Y.; & Featherstone, Richard A. (2009). Family structure, family processes, economic factors, and delinquency: Similarities and differences by race and ethnicity. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice. vol. 7 (2) pp. 79-99

Leicht, K.; Minca, E.; & Hogan, D. (2009). State Investments in Successful Transitions to Adulthood. Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. Detroit, MI: Population Association of America.

Leithwood, Kenneth & Jantzi, Doris (2009). A review of empirical evidence about school size effects: A policy perspective. Review of Educational Research. vol. 79 (1) pp. 464-490