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The Add Health bibliography includes more than 8,000 journal articles, presentations, manuscripts, books, book chapters and dissertations using Add Health data sets. To obtain a copy of any item, please check the citation to see if a URL link to the article is available, or contact the author.

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Displaying 10 of 9901 matching citations.

Liechty, J. M. (2009). Body image distortion in relationship to onset of three types of weight control behaviors among adolescent girls in the U.S. Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.

Liechty, J. M. & Liao, M. (2009). Estimating adolescent weight status from CDC's age-adjusted growth chards: The importance of age precision in obesity and weight-related research. Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.

Lin, Hsien-Chuan (2009). A Case Study of How a Large Multilevel EFL Writing Class Experiences and Perceives Multiple Interaction Activities.

Lyons, H. (2009). Adult identity in emerging adulthood: The importance of education status. Conference of the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood. Atlanta, GA: Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood.

Mangino, W. (2009). The downside of social closure: Brokerage, parental influence, and delinquency among African American boys. Sociology of Education. vol. 82 (2) pp. 147-172

Marcell, A. V.; Matson, P.; Ellen, J. M.; & Ford, C. A. (2009). Changes in adolescents' use of routine health care over time. Society for Adolescent Medicine Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, CA: Society for Adolescent Medicine.

Marcell, A. V.; Matson, P.; Ellen, J. M.; & Ford, C. A. (2009). The relationship between adolescents' sexual activity and routine health care use over time. Society for Adolescent Medicine Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, CA: Society for Adolescent Medicine.

Marcell, Arik V.; Matson, Pam; Ellen, Jonathan M.; & Ford, Carol A. (2009). The relationship between adolescents? sexual activity and routine health care use over time. Journal of Adolescent Health. vol. 44 (2; suppl. 1) pp. S33-S33

Marcus, Robert F. (2009). Cross-sectional study of violence in emerging adulthood. Aggressive Behavior. vol. 35 (2) pp. 188-202

Marmorstein, Naomi R. (2009). Longitudinal associations between alcohol problems and depressive symptoms: Early adolescence through early adulthood. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. vol. 33 (1) pp. 49-59 , PMCID: PMC2643347