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The Add Health bibliography includes more than 8,000 journal articles, presentations, manuscripts, books, book chapters and dissertations using Add Health data sets. To obtain a copy of any item, please check the citation to see if a URL link to the article is available, or contact the author.

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Displaying 10 of 9901 matching citations.

O'Neil, Michael (2009). High School Mathematics Course Taking Trajectories: A Model of Reciprocal Influence Across Behavioral and Academic Domains.

Okunade, A. A.; Hussey, A. J.; & Karakus, M. C. (2009). Overweight adolescents and on-time high school graduation: Racial and gender disparities. Atlantic Economic Journal. vol. 37 (3) pp. 225

Pant, Rajan (2009). Adolescent Self-Esteem and Sexual Behavior: The Role of Ascribed and Achieved Status.

Park, S.; Weaver, T. E.; & Romer, D. (2009). Predictors of the transition from experimental to daily smoking among adolescents in the United States. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing. vol. 14 (2) pp. 102-112

Paternoster, Ray & Pogarsky, Greg (2009). Rational Choice, Agency and Thoughtfully Reflective Decision Making: The Short and Long-Term Consequences of Making Good Choices. Journal of Quantitative Criminology. vol. 25 (2) pp. 103-127

Patterson, C. J. & Wainright, J. L. (2009). Adolescents with same-sex parents: Findings from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. In Kunz, D.; Brodzinsky, D.; & Peterman, A. (Eds.), Lesbian and Gay Adoption: A New American Reality . New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Patton, Joy D. (2009). Factors Contributing to the Desistance of Violence Among Female Adolescents.

Pearson, J.; Crissey, S.; & Riegle-Crumb, C. (2009). Gendered fields: Sports and advanced course taking in high school. Sex Roles. vol. 61 (7/8) pp. 519-535 , PMCID: PMC2835346

Perrin, Andrew J. & Smolek, Sondra J. (2009). Who trusts? Race, gender, and the September 11 rally effect among young adults. Social Science Research. vol. 38 (1) pp. 134-145 , PMCID: PMC2662604

Pflieger, Jacqueline Cornett (2009). Adolescents' Parent and Peer Relations and Romantic Outcomes in Young Adulthood.