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The Add Health bibliography includes more than 8,000 journal articles, presentations, manuscripts, books, book chapters and dissertations using Add Health data sets. To obtain a copy of any item, please check the citation to see if a URL link to the article is available, or contact the author.

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Displaying 10 of 9901 matching citations.

Guiao, I. Z. & Thompson, E. A. (2003). Ethnic Differences in Depression, Alcohol Use, and Suicidal Behavior Among US Adolescent Males. International Society of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurses. Charleston, SC.

Guiao, I. Z. & Thompson, E. A. (2003). US Adolescent Males from Five Major Ethnic Groups: How Do They Compare in Depression, Alcohol Use, and Suicidal Behaviors?. Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Research Congress. Brisbane, Australia.

Guo, G.; Fletcher, B.; & Harris, K. M. (2003). Educational Achievement and Heritability. Add Health Users Workshop. Bethesda, MD: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Carolina Population Center.

Hagan, J. & Foster, H. (2003). S/he's a rebel: Toward a sequential stress theory of delinquency and gendered pathways to disadvantage in emerging adulthood. Social Forces. vol. 82 (1) pp. 53-86

Hahm, Hyeouk C.; Lahiff, Maureen; & Guterman, Neil B. (2003). Acculturation and parental attachment in Asian-American adolescents? alcohol use. Journal of Adolescent Health. vol. 33 (2) pp. 119-129

Hallfors, D.; Halpern, C. T.; Bauer, D. J.; Guo, G.; Hussey, J. M.; & Cho, H. (2003). HIV in Young Adulthood: Pathways and Prevention. Binational Workshop on Drug Abuse and Addiction. Washington, DC.

Hallfors, D.; Halpern, C. T.; Bauer, D. J.; Iritani, B.; Waller, M. W.; & Hussey, J. M. (2003). Examining Sex and Drug Patterns for HIV Prevention. Society for Prevention Research. Washington, DC.

Hallfors, D.; Iritani, B.; Halpern, C. T.; Waller, M. W.; Bauer, D. J.; & Guo, G. (2003). Sex, Substance Use, and HIV/STIs: Race and Sex Differences in Risk Behavior Patterns. Add Health Users Workshop. Bethesda, MD: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Carolina Population Center.

Halpern, C. T.; Hallfors, D.; Bauer, D.; Iritani, B.; & Waller, M. (2003). Covariation of HIV/STI Risk Behaviors Among Black and White Adolescents: A Person-Centered Analysis. Center for AIDS Research. Chapel Hill, NC.

Halpern, C. T. & Udry, J. R. (2003). Patterns of Same- and Opposite-Sex Attraction, Romance, and Sexual Behavior from Adolescence to Adulthood: A Prospective Analysis. Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. San Antonio, TX.