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The Add Health bibliography includes more than 8,000 journal articles, presentations, manuscripts, books, book chapters and dissertations using Add Health data sets. To obtain a copy of any item, please check the citation to see if a URL link to the article is available, or contact the author.

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Displaying 10 of 9901 matching citations.

McRee, J. N. & Drapela, L. (2003). Pubertal Development and Delinquency: Do Mature Boys Seek Delinquent Peers?. American Society of Criminology. Denver, CO.

Meier, A. (2003). The Morning After (and Beyond): Adolescent Well-Being After First Sex.

Meier, A. M. (2003). Adolescent Romantic Relationships and Sexual Activity: Effects on Parent-Child Relationships. Add Health Users Workshop. Bethesda, MD: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Carolina Population Center.

Meier, A. M. (2003). What Sex Affects: The Effects of First Sex on Adolescent Well-Being. Population Association of America. Minneapolis, MN.

Meier, Ann M. (2003). Adolescents' transition to first intercourse, religiosity, and attitudes about sex. Social Forces. vol. 81 (3) pp. 1031-1052

Merten, M. J. & Wickrama, K. A. S. (2003). Adolescent Joint Occurrences: The Influence of Community and Individual-Level Factors. Add Health Users Conference. Bethesda, MD: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Carolina Population Center.

Merton, M. & Wickrama, K. A. S. (2003). Community influence on joint occurrences of negative events of adolescents. Add Health Users Conference. Bethesda, MD: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Carolina Population Center.

Miller, W. C.; Morris, M.; Handcock, M. S.; Ford, C. A.; Schmitz, J. L.; & Hobbs, M. M. (2003). Prevalence of Chlamydial Infection in the US: Results from a Representative National Sample of Young Adults. ISSTDR Congress. Ottawa, Canada.

Miller, W. C.; Morris, M.; Handcock, M. S.; Ford, C. A.; Schmitz, J. L.; & Hobbs, M. M. (2003). Prevalence of Gonorrhea in the US: Results from a Representative National Sample of Young Adults. ISSTDR Congress. Ottawa, Canada.

Miller, W. C.; Morris, M.; Handcock, M. S.; Hobbs, M. M.; Ford, C. A.; & Schmitz, J. L. (2003). Prevalence of Trichomoniasis in the US: Results from a Representative National Sample of Young Adults. ISSTDR Congress. Ottawa, Canada.