User Guides

Add Health produced the following detailed guides to assist analysts with understanding the data and performing unbiased analyses.

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The Add Health Study: Design and Accomplishments
by Kathleen Mullan Harris
Updated 2013

Cohort Profile: The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health)
by Kathleen Mullan Harris, Carolyn Tucker Halpern, Eric A. Whitsel, Jon M. Hussey, Ley A. Killeya-Jones, Joyce Tabor, and Sarah C. Dean

Guidelines for Analyzing Add Health Data
by Ping Chen and Kathleen Mullan Harris
Updated 2020

Add Health Wave V Sampling and Mixed-Mode Survey Design
by Kathleen Mullan Harris, Carolyn Tucker Halpern, Paul Biemer, Dan Liao, and Sarah C. Dean
Updated 2020

Add Health Wave V Medication Use – Survey
by Eric A. Whitsel, Robert Angel, Sarah C. Dean, Rick O’Hara, Lixin Qu, Kathryn Carrier, and Kathleen Mullan Harris
Updated 2019

Social, Behavioral, and Genetic Linkages from Adolescence into Adulthood
by Kathleen Mullan Harris, Carolyn Tucker Halpern, Jon Hussey, Eric A. Whitsel, Ley Killeya-Jones, Joyce Tabor, Glen Elder, John Hewitt, Michael Shanahan, Redford Williams, Ilene Siegler, and Andrew Smolen

The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) Sibling Pairs Data
by Kathleen Mullan Harris, Carolyn Tucker Halpern, Brett C. Haberstick, and Andrew Smolen
Twin Research and Human Genetics 2013

Grand Sample Weights
by Roger Tourangeau and Hee-Choon Shin

Strategies to Perform a Design-Based Analysis Using the Add Health Data
by Chantala K, Tabor J.
Revised 2010

Add Health Weight Components
by Chantala K, Suchindran C.M.
Updated April 28, 2011

Add Health Wave V Documentation: Anthropometrics
by Eric A. Whitsel, Robert Angel, Rick O’Hara, Lixin Qu, Kathryn Carrier, and Kathleen Mullan Harris.
Updated 2020

Add Health Wave V Documentation: Cardiovascular Measures
by Eric A. Whitsel, Robert Angel, Rick O’Hara, Lixin Qu, Kathryn Carrier, and Kathleen Mullan Harris.
Updated 2020

Add Health Wave V Documentation: Medication Use – Home Exam
by Eric A. Whitsel, Robert Angel, Rick O’Hara, Lixin Qu, Kathryn Carrier, and Kathleen Mullan Harris.
Updated 2020

Add Health Wave V Documentation: Glucose Homeostasis
by Eric A. Whitsel, Robert Angel, Rick O’Hara, Lixin Qu, Kathryn Carrier, and Kathleen Mullan Harris.

Add Health Wave V Documentation: Lipids
by Eric A. Whitsel, Robert Angel, Rick O’Hara, Lixin Qu, Kathryn Carrier, and Kathleen Mullan Harris

Add Health Wave V Documentation: Renal Function
by Eric A. Whitsel, Robert Angel, Rick O’Hara, Lixin Qu, Kathryn Carrier, and Kathleen Mullan Harris

Add Health Wave V Documentation: Hepatic Injury
by Eric A. Whitsel, Robert Angel, Rick O’Hara, Lixin Qu, Kathryn Carrier, and Kathleen Mullan Harris

Add Health Wave V Documentation: Baroreflex Sensitivity and Hemodynamic Recovery
by Eric A. Whitsel, Robert Angel, Rick O’Hara, Lixin Qu, Kathryn Carrier, Kathleen Mullan Harris

Add Health Wave V Documentation: Measures of Inflammation and Immune Function
by Eric A. Whitsel, Robert Angel, Rick O’Hara, Lixin Qu, Kathryn Carrier, Kathleen Mullan Harris

Add Health Wave V Documentation: Neurodegeneration
by Eric A. Whitsel, Robert Angel, Rick O’Hara, Lixin Qu, Kathryn Carrier, Kathleen Mullan Harris

Add Health Wave IV Documentation: Pretest Cortisol Instructions, Checklists, and Materials

The Reliability of In-Home Measures of Height and Weight in Large Cohort Studies: Evidence from Add Health
by Jon Hussey, Quynh C. Nguyen, Eric A. Whitsel, Liana J. Richardson, Carolyn T. Halpern, Penny Gordon-Larsen, Joyce W. Tabor, Pamela P. Entzel, and Kathleen Mullan Harris.
Demographic Research 2015

Add Health Wave IV Documentation: Cardiovascular and Anthropometric Measures
By Pamela Entzel, Eric A Whitsel, Andrea Richardson, Joyce Tabor, Suzanne Hallquist, Jon Hussey, Carolyn T. Halpern, and Kathleen Mullan Harris

Add Health Wave IV Documentation: Cardiovascular Measures Appendix I: Baroreflex Sensitivity & Hemodynamic Recovery
by Carmen Cuthbertson, Eric A. Whitsel, Chirayath M. Suchindran, Ping Chen, Mariah M. Cheng, Redford Williams, Joyce W. Tabor, Ley A. Killeya-Jones, Jon M. Hussey, Carolyn T. Halpern, and Kathleen Mullan Harris

Add Health Wave IV Documentation: Lipids
by Eric A. Whitsel, Carmen C. Cuthbertson, Joyce W. Tabor, Alan J. Potter, Mark H. Wener, Patric A. Clapshaw, Ley A. Killeya-Jones, Carolyn T. Halpern, and Kathleen Mullan Harris

Add Health Wave IV Documentation: Measures of Glucose Homeostasis
by Eric A. Whitsel, Joyce W. Tabor, Quynh C. Nguyen, Carmen C. Cuthbertson, Mark H. Wener, Alan J. Potter, Ley A. Killeya-Jones, and Kathleen Mullan Harris.

Add Health Wave IV Documentation: Measures of Inflammation and Immune Function
by Eric A. Whitsel, Carmen C. Cuthbertson, Joyce W. Tabor, Alan J. Potter, Mark H. Wener, Ley A. Killeya-Jones, and Kathleen Mullan Harris.

Biomarkers in Wave III of the Add Health Study
by the Add Health Biomarker Team

Mortality Outcomes Surveillance Part I : Ascertaining Decedents (2019)
by Elyssa A. Trani, Mary Jane Hill, Laura R. Loehr, Robert A. Hummer, and Eric A. Whitsel
Updated 2023

Mortality Outcomes Surveillance Part I : Ascertaining Decedents (2021)
by Elyssa A. Trani, Mary Jane Hill, Elizabeth M. Lawrence, Laura R. Loehr, Robert A. Hummer, and Eric A. Whitsel
Updated 2023

Mortality Outcomes Surveillance Part I : Ascertaining Decedents (2022)
by Elyssa A. Trani, Mary Jane Hill, Kurtis M. Anthony, Elizabeth M. Lawrence, Laura R. Loehr, Robert A. Hummer, and Eric A. Whitsel
Updated 2024

Quality Control Analysis of Add Health GWAS Data
by Heather M. Highland, Christy L. Avery, Qing Duan, Yun Li, and Kathleen Mullan Harris.
Updated 2018

SSGAC Polygenic Scores (PGSs) in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health)
by Aysu Okbay, Patrick Turley, Daniel Benjamin, Peter Visscher, David Braudt, and Kathleen Mullan Harris.
Updated 2018

Simple Sequence Repeats in the National Longitudinal Study of
Adolescent Health: An Ethnically Diverse Resource for Genetic Analysis of Health and Behavior

by Brett C. Haberstick, Andrew Smolen, Gary L. Stetler, Joyce W. Tabor, Taylor Roy, H. Rick Casey, Alicia Pardo, Forest Roy, Lauren A. Ryals, Christina Hewitt, Eric A. Whitsel, Carolyn T. Halpern, Ley A. Killeya-Jones, Jeffrey M. Lessem, John K. Hewitt, Kathleen Mullan Harris.
Behavior Genetics 2014

Add Health Wave IV Documentation: Candidate Genes
by Andrew Smolen, Eric A. Whitsel, Joyce Tabor, Ley A. Killeya-Jones, Carmen C. Cuthbertson, Jon M. Hussey, Carolyn T. Halpern, Kathleen Mullan Harris
Updated 2013

Non-Response in Wave IV of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health
by Naomi Brownstein, William D. Kalsbeek, Joyce Tabor, Pamela Entzel, Eric Daza, and Kathleen Mullan Harris

Non-Response in Wave III of the Add Health Study
by Kim Chantala, William D. Kalsbeek, and Eugenio Andraca.

Predictors of Nonresponse in a Longitudinal Survey of Adolescents
by William D. Kalsbeek, Juan Yang, and Robert P. Agans.

Effects of Nonresponse on the Mean Squared Error of Estimates from a Longitudinal Study
by William D. Kalsbeek, Carolyn B. Morris, and Benjamin J. Vaughn.

Transitioning a panel survey from in-person to predominantly web data collection: Results and lessons learned.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society by Paul P. Biemer, Kathleen Mullan Harris Brian J. Burke, Dan Liao, and Carolyn Tucker Halpern

Overview of Add Health and Add Health Parent Study
Overview of Add Health for New Data Users
by Kathleen Mullan Harris

Overview of Ancillary Study Applications
Adding Supplemental Data to Add Health
by Robert A. Hummer

Add Health Genetic Data and Genome-Wide Association Study
Polygenic Scores in Add Health
by David B. Braudt

Introduction to GWAS Data
by Robbee Wedow

Additional Presentations
Add Health Relationship and Fertility Data
by Bianka Reese

Add Health Wave V Biological Data and Vital Events
by Nancy Dole, Jon Hussey, Eric Whitsel.

Psychometric Properties of the Mini-IPIP in a Large, Nationally Representative Sample of Young Adults
by Ruth E. Baldasaro, Michael J. Shanahan, and Daniel J. Bauer.
Journal of Personality Assessment 2013

Add Health