
February 22, 2021

New Data Release from Add Health

The following data are now available to Add Health contract researchers.

HUD-Assisted Housing Supplemental Data.

The supplementary data-file identifies Add Health respondents who lived in HUD-assisted housing at any point between 1995 and 2017. For these Add Health respondents, the supplementary data-file provides unique Add Health respondent identifiers (AID) and household-level information about the characteristics of their HUD housing residence. The supplementary data-file is a hierarchical (i.e., long-format data file), with each row representing a unique HUD administrative record that is linked to an AID. In total, the hierarchical file includes a total of 8,587 HUD records on 1,159 unique Add Health respondents identified through the linkage. N=8,587

This data-file has special requirements for access, please see requirements listed on the CPC Data Portal.

Current Add Health investigators can log in to the CPC Data Portal and use the “Request More Data” button to order this dataset.

For more information on the CPC Data Portal, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions page.