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- New users will need to apply for restricted-use data. Please download and complete the restricted-use data contract using the CPC Data Portal.
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Data Released (September 26, 2024)
Contextual Heterosexism Database, Phase 1
Contextual Heterosexism Database-Phase 1 (CHD1) further expands the collection of contextual data available to users of The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health) through the provision of state, county, and tract level measures from the Decennial Census of Population and Housing, American Community Survey (ACS), the Movement Advancement Project (MAP), Lax and Phillips (2009), Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), Cooperative Election Study (CES), U.S. Religion Census, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Election Lab. These data include indicators of social policies, social climate, and confounding factors related to the study/measurement of structural heterosexism that correspond to Waves 3, 4, and 5. Some of these indicators are new to the Add Health contextual database and others were previously not available at all three of these waves. N=18,352
Mortality Outcomes Surveillance Part I Ascertaining_Decedents_User_Guide_(2022_Update)
Individual Vital Status and Underlying Cause of Death File, 2022
This file contains one record for each of the 20,745 Add Health sample members from Wave I. It provides the vital status of each sample member through 2022 as well as the National Death Index-provided underlying cause of death code in ICD-10 format for each decedent. The month and year of the most recent Add Health interview are provided for living sample members, while the month and year of death are provided for decedents. N=20,745
Ordered Cause of Death File, 2022
This file contains entity- and record-axis codes reported by the National Death Index (NDI) for each decedent in the Add Health sample through 2022. The file is arranged hierarchically, by axis code; therefore, each decedent may have multiple records depending on the maximum number of entity- and record-axis codes recorded by NDI. The sequence of the decedent’s records reflects the order in which the entity- and record-axis codes were reported in the NDI record. N=2,377
All Coded Causes of Death File, Including Entity-Axis Codes, 2022
This file contains all underlying cause of death and entity-axis codes appearing in the National Death Index (NDI) source file through 2022. Functioning as dummy variables, zero represents the absence of a code on the decedent’s death certificate, while one denotes the presence of one. N=706
All Coded Causes of Death File, Including Record-Axis Codes, 2022
This file contains all underlying cause of death and record-axis codes appearing in the National Death Index (NDI) source file through 2022. Functioning as dummy variables, zero represents the absence of a code on the decedent’s death certificate, while one denotes the presence of one. N=706
FAA Noise Data
Day-Night Level (DNL) Noise Exposures from 90 Major Airports
Contains the estimation of aircraft noise measures around ninety major airports and aircraft noise proxies for approximately 900 additional airports. Merged with geopositioned/geocoded Add Health respondent locations over Waves I-VI, it also documents how the aircraft noise source data were acquired, as well as the protocol for quality controlling their assignment across waves. N=83,357
Equivalent Sound Level for a 15-Hour Day (LAEQD) Noise Exposures from 90 Major Airports
Data contains the estimation of aircraft noise measures around ninety major airports and aircraft noise proxies for approximately 900 additional airports. Merged with geopositioned/geocoded Add Health respondent locations over Waves I-VI, it also documents how the aircraft noise source data were acquired, as well as the protocol for quality controlling their assignment across waves. N=73,174
Equivalent Sound Level for a 9-Hour Night (LAEQN) Noise Exposures from 90 Major Airports
Data contains the estimation of aircraft noise measures around ninety major airports and aircraft noise proxies for approximately 900 additional airports. Merged with geopositioned/geocoded Add Health respondent locations over Waves I-VI, it also documents how the aircraft noise source data were acquired, as well as the protocol for quality controlling their assignment across waves. N=57,886
Proxies for Aircraft Noise from Other Airports: Airport Counts
Contains the estimation of aircraft noise measures around ninety major airports and aircraft noise proxies for approximately 900 additional airports. Merged with geopositioned/geocoded Add Health respondent locations over Waves I-VI, it also documents how the aircraft noise source data were acquired, as well as the protocol for quality controlling their assignment across waves. N=166,195
Proxies for Aircraft Noise from Other Airports: Mean Distances data
Contains the estimation of aircraft noise measures around ninety major airports and aircraft noise proxies for approximately 900 additional airports. Merged with geopositioned/geocoded Add Health respondent locations over Waves I-VI, it also documents how the aircraft noise source data were acquired, as well as the protocol for quality controlling their assignment across waves. N=256,318
Proxies for Aircraft Noise from Other Airports: Mean Total Enplanements
Data contains the estimation of aircraft noise measures around ninety major airports and aircraft noise proxies for approximately 900 additional airports. Merged with geopositioned/geocoded Add Health respondent locations over Waves I-VI, it also documents how the aircraft noise source data were acquired, as well as the protocol for quality controlling their assignment across waves. N=250,740
Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) Codes
Rural-urban commuting area (RUCA) codes classify U.S. census tracts using measures of population density, urbanization, and daily commuting. The data file including them is based on RUCA codes for census years 1990, 2000, and 2010. The rationale for and utility of acquiring RUCA codes, assigning them to census geographies in which Add Health respondents have resided over three decades. N=97,700
Add Health Sample Member Birth Records Database
Birth record data was collected from participating states for AHSM birth years, 1974-83. When these states provided birth data for all recorded births occurring during that time interval, an AHSM-specific subset was created using Link Plus, a statistical linkage software developed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Cancer Division. One participating state performed its own AHSM linkages and provided Add Health with the linked subset of births. Add Health then performed transformations on all of the original data from the participating states to create the categorical variables present in this release. N=2,750
Data Released (June 12, 2024)
Wave V Contextual Despair
This contextual data set focuses on the social, political, and resource environment of Add Health respondents at the tract, county, and state level that are relevant to the prevailing causes of death in midlife – namely alcohol-related diseases, drug overdoses and accidental poisonings, and suicide and self-inflicted harm. Most measures are specific to Wave V residential location, though several measures span multiple waves. Measures include the sociodemographic and segregation context, proximity to firearms distributors and alcohol outlets, opioid dispensing, and policies related to alcohol, drugs, and firearms. N=20,745
Data Released (May 7, 2024)
Baroreflex Sensitivity and Hemodynamic Recovery
This file contains constructed measures for baroreflex sensitivity, heart rate recovery, and systolic blood pressure recovery for the Wave V respondents. N=5,381
Measures of Inflammation and Immune Function
This file contains additional measures of inflammation and immune function based on venous blood collected via phlebotomy at the Wave V home exam and then assayed for several cytokines (IL-1β; IL-6; IL-8; IL-10; TNF-α) and anti-cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgG. N=5,381
This file contains two measures of neurodegeneration based on venous blood collected via phlebotomy at the Wave V home exam and then assayed for neurofilament light (NfL) and tau. N=5,381