
October 22, 2009

Moratorium on new contracts to use Add Health restricted-use data

In January 2010, responsibility for the dissemination of Add Health restricted-use contractual data will shift from Add Health at the Carolina Population Center to the Data Sharing for Demographic Research (DSDR) project at the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR). To facilitate this transition, no new restricted-use data agreements are being accepted at the present time. Initiation of new contracts will resume in January 2010 when ICPSR launches an online Add Health restricted-use data contracting and dissemination system, which will ultimately allow certified researchers to gain access to the restricted-use data more quickly and efficiently.

Add Health restricted-use data agreements that are currently in place between data users’ institutions and the University of North Carolina will remain in effect until their current end-dates. However, in assuming dissemination of Add Health restricted-use data, ICPSR will also assume responsibility for overseeing all current Add Health data use agreements.  Current contractual users who seek to renew an existing contract, add new researchers, or make changes to an approved data security plan should continue to contact Add Health as usual until December 15, 2009. After this date, changes to current contracts will be administered by ICPSR. ICPSR will be contacting Add Health contractual data users with more information on the continued administration of their agreements. 

Throughout this transition period, the Add Health website will be updated regularly to include the latest information on how to access the restricted-use data. For more information on the forthcoming online contracting system, you may also email ICPSR.